Health Bill 4244 – “The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive health and Population
And Development Act of 2011” – An Act providing for a comprehensive policy on Responsible parenthood, reproductive health and population and development and for other purposes
What is RH Bill?
The Reproductive Health bill, popularly known as the RH bill, is a Philippine bill aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care.
I am a pro RH bill advocate.
The proponents of the RH Bill are asking an initial funding of P3 Billion, Part of this is for the purchase contraceptive drugs and devices to be given to the poor. The bill will also require in Sec. 10 that “products and supplies for modern family planning methods shall be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all national and local hospitals and other government health units.” This is big business for pharmaceutical companies whose purchase of its products will be required by law! It is clearly a misappropriation of taxpayer’s money when the billions of pesos they intend to spend could be used for other priorities like education, MRT or NFA subsidy.
The P3 billion allotted funding in the RH bill can be issued to build houses for the poor, feeding programs, and build new classrooms. But these said allotment for the P3 billion is it worth it? Feeding programs is great and all, but can the poor can only have a belly full in a day. But solving the issue of overpopulation can help each and every one of us. The P3 billion pesos are small in terms of the success the bill will have. And can probably save our problem in overpopulation.
The RH bill will require: All schools (including Catholic schools) to teach artificial family planning methods to HS students; Employers to give their employees reproductive health services; Health care service providers to give contraceptives and perform vasectomy or ligation. This is a violation