So why don’t they work?
Well, most mainstream sources leave out the most important key to making affirmations work. That key is inner resistance and here I will discuss why positive affirmations alone will not overcome deep seeded inner resistance we all have about a lot things.
Now, before I go on
I am not saying that positive affirmations are not powerful and important to use when you are trying to manifest things into your life. Quite the opposite, I think they are imperative to having a successful manifestation.
The point I what to stress is that it is not as glamorous or easy as some sources make it out to be. …show more content…
It seems the more positive they concentrate on, the more negative obstacles appear in their life. They get frustrated and quit, claiming positive affirmations and the Law of Attraction doesn’t work!
The second situation people come to me about is that they have been using positive affirmations for a while now with no results. They go on to say they knew it was too good to be true and nothing ever works for them.
Just for the record
In both the situations above, the positive affirmations and the law of attraction was working perfectly. Both the situations above were attracting what the true inner belief of the person was. I have always claimed that the Law of Attraction begins with you and your inner resistance is stronger than anything the outside world can throw at you.
Here is the key
You have to overcome yourself before you move forward to manifesting anything you want. Let’s say you have been told all your life you will never amount to anything, just be happy you have a job, or being rich is just a dream. You now come across the Law of Attraction and start using the positive affirmation “I am successful”, you are going to get inner resistance from all those things you have been told all your