Microbes are the germs in which live off our bodies and make humans sick, whether to the point where we die or pass the germ to someone else. These microbes help with natural selection, and the process at which we evolve. Most often than not the disease is spread by contaminated water, not cooking the meat all the way or being bitten by an animal that has the …show more content…
Humans began to cultivate crops and domesticate certain animals. This is the time when men and women began to separate into hunting and gathering, although this occurred men still controlled their society. There was positive effects of the Neolithic revolution in the use of agriculture allowed humans to develop permanent settlements, social classes, and new technologies. Even if there were positive effects there were negatives to this revolution examples of these were warfare, crop failure, and disease. By domesticating animals it caused disease, also their crops failed because of rainfall or they did not have the necessary tools to