The human being has been struggling in order to shape the ecosphere in a man- ner he wants since the first day. The period in which this struggle was observed most intensively was the period covering the transition from a migrant and primitive hunter society to a resident life and fa rming. The most deep-seated environmental modification against the nature that had been realized in the history of the human being has started at this time. Even the development and downfall of civilizations are correlated to this interaction between the human being and nature.
Dams have one of the most important ro les in utilizing water resources. They were started to construct long years before gaining present information about hy- drology and hydromechanics.
Dams have a great deal of positive and negative effects on the environment be- sides their benefits like controlling stream regimes, consequently preventing floods, obtaining domestic and irrigation water from the stored water and generating en- ergy. Wherever the location of a dam is, its ecological results are the same. The envi- ronmental impacts of dams can be classified according to different criterions as long term and short term impacts, the impacts on the close area and the impacts on the
INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT regions where the dam services, social and unsocial impacts, beneficial and harmful impacts .These effects may be ordered in an intensive and complicated manner like climatic, hydraulic, bioligic, social, cultural, archaeological etc.
In addition to their very important social and environmental benefits, it is im- portant to minimize the negative effects of dams on the environment regarding sus- tainable development.The mentioned effects and their solutions have taken into account in the environmental impact assesment concept.
Key Words:
Dam, environment, ecology, water resources.
Dams have one of