Parents who love their children have a responsibility to guide, love, teach and discipline them towards appropriate behavior. Barakat and Clark (2007) say that negative actions such as spanking can interfere with a child’s healthy development. For example: spanking a child for inappropriate behavior teaches them, that physical force is appropriate in disciplining bad behavior. Encouraging good behavior can lessen the time it takes to correct him, or her for mistakes. Positive discipline can have nurturing benefits towards the child, such as building a strong self-esteem, self-control, and responsibility in a child’s future (Barakat & Clark, 2007).
Teaching a child to be responsible shows them organization skills as well as consequences when a task is not done. A child who is taught to clean up their mess will show skills of cleanliness, and organization to know where things belong (Barakat & Clark, 2007). Knowing where toys, books, and other items go prevents frustration in looking for them. However, if the child does not do what they are told to do, let them know that there are consequences. Children who are not following through show a good chance that the parent is not showing encouragement. Encouragement shows the child they are being acknowledged for their accomplishments. Children need to be encouraged like when a parent encourages a baby to walk. Barakat and Clark (2007) believed that allowing children to experience the consequences of their behavior is also called learning the hard way. If a child breaks or makes a mess of something that was not theirs, they need to help in fixing it or in cleaning the mess up. If a child causes distress to another child in that matter, then the child needs to find a way in relieve the other child. This shows healthy development in what is right and wrong.
Self-control teaches a child to have patience and make right choices. According to Barak and Clark (2007) a child’s misbehavior is
References: Dr. Bailey, B. (2000-2009). Solutions to Parents’ Top Discipline Problems. Family Education. Retrieved 27 Feb. 2009 Barakat, I.S. & Clark, J.A. (2007, April) Human Development and Family Studies. Positive Discipline and Child Guidance. Howard, B.J. (1996, February) Advising Parents on discipline: what works (The short-and long-term consequences of Corporal Punishment. Gale Apollo Library Kalb, C. (2008, February) Newsweek Web Exclusive. Spare the Rod? Spanking may lead to aggression and sexual problems later in life, says a new study. So why do so many parents still believe in it. Shute, N. (2008, June) U.S. New & World Report. “ A good parent’s Dilemma: Is It Bad To Spank? Plenty of people argue for an occasional swat”. Gale Apollo Library. Wesley, Valerie Wilson, Tonya Bolden Davis, Andrea R. Davis, Angela Iadavaia-Cox, and Linda Tarrant-Reid. (Dec 1989). “ Raising kids strong; a guide to giving children values they can lean on” Essence 20.n8. Retrieved April 1, 2009 from>.