The start of the psychooncology is registered as 1975 by Jimmy C. Holland, when the understanding of the psychological support to those who was cancer- diagnosed. The meaning of psychooncology or sometimes they call it oncopsychology, originally was started from telling the cancer- diagnosis to the patient. In USA special stuff was assigned who would tell the diagnosis initially to the patient. However there are lots of other cases that should be dealt with, in the process of the cancer treatment. Oncopatient is going through lots of kinds of treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, medications, and so on. While going through all those hard to bear stuffs, patient is having not only well-being problems, psychological problems, physiological problems, but also changes in physical appearances are problems. Since the patient already knows that he isn’t as usual anymore, and has ”zero” haircut, has lost weight, got very skinny and even sometimes color of skin becomes different than before and many other chances such as those can happen. Cancer patient may not be ready to hear their diagnosis, sometimes to hear state of their treatments, other negative outcomes, such as metastazes, cancer recurrences, repeated surgeries and worsening of the tests and so on. Can we have different people assigned to tell or to communicate about each one of those steps, or let’s say outcomes? Is it possible?
Cancer patients also may have problems in communication with family, doctors, medical stuff, friends, spouses, siblings, caregivers, parents, and so on. Should we not interrupt? What about leaving him alone to go through such hardships? “Absolute no” is an answer for this. Here is the main set of work for a psychooncology to deal with. Not only are these kinds of stuffs act as an issue, although.
Psychooncology is a huge amount area, what is responsible for