Firstly, in this modern world technology has been a major contributor to our understanding of the values of an individual, but has also had both positive and negative limitations. The main form of technology which has taken over this world is that of the social media, such as the related text of Facebook (FB). In FB we see both the positive and negative effects on the Global village where the world can interact over that of the social media. This has been reinforced by the global map and the linked people, shown on that of the FB log in page. This symbol shows how an individual can be connected through the Global village. Similarly, thus has also been juxtaposed to that of the quote: “Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.” It is through both this quote and the linked world map that we understand how the global village has helped build a greater interlinked world.
However, FB can also negatively impact an individual’s values with in that of the global village as FB has inhibited face to face communication. Thus, affecting our ability to communicate with one another face to face in our society. Furthermore, we see that the social media and especially FB has had a major impact, both positively and negatively on the way we value others in our society and the global village.
On the other hand, the positive and negative consequences of the global village is also demonstrated in Nick Enright’s play A Man With Five Children (M5C). In this text we see how overtime technology can have a major impact on the way we value others in society. This is firstly, conveyed through the camera man Gerry. Gerry, for example, states his primary intentions at the start of the play being “to see where he goes, where she goes” and overtime