2. How will you continue to update these beliefs as your life and career continue?
To provide a fair comparison of my notion of positive organizations before the semester with the way that I now see the role of positivity in organizing, let me briefly share what I thought of positivity before enrolling in this class. In fact, I believe this is the first time I have consciously thought about positivity and organizations together. The idea of positivity to me had always been one synonymous to optimism and contentment. The concept of organization is one to which I have devoted very little thought before, although I have been part of several organizations throughout my life. I now realize that starting with such a basic foundation was actually beneficial. My mind was very open to the concepts contained in the readings and discussed in class.
Speaking of openness, this is the first principle I have learned to value in making an organization more positive. As Barbara Fredrickson said and I have noted in my journal, “openness is all [one] need[s] to keep the juices of positivity flowing”. The reason why I believe that to be true is assessing my own experience during this course. When we first started and were introduced the different approach Doctor Quinn would be implementing, I was open and excited to be a part of this innovation. As time went by, however, I allowed external circumstances and other people’s comments to influence my attitude and noticed how I gradually closed myself to this new way of learning. Just as fast as my level of openness decreased, so did my level of positivity. The same applies to making my way back to being positive about the class. I had to make a conscious effort to open myself to change and gradually watched my level of positivity increasing again. I believe that a key point to