
Possible Listen Questions

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Slides: Christian Worship and Israel’s Worship
Possible Listen Questions:

Why This Study?
1.Negatively, the so called “worship wars” taking place in churches.
2. Positively: The need we all feel to develop & deepen our relationship with God. There is a sense in which we feel there is something valuable to be had in worship, and that we’re often not getting it.

An Obscure West Tennessee Author
1¨“Worship does not bring God close to us, it brings us close to God.”
2¨“We might respect many people; we worship God, and God alone.”
3¨“You will not do anything more important today than worship God.”

¨Four Things Isaiah Saw at Worship
1. (6:1-4) God for who he was
2. (6:5) Himself for who he was (with unclean lips)
3. (6:6,7) God’s mercy
4. (6:8) His
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5.Give some thought to worship afterward.
6.Apply what you learned!

Three Major Greek Terms for Worship
1. proskuneo – to kiss toward, fall prostate before.
2. latrueo – sometimes translated “worship”, more often “serve.”
3. leitorgeo – serving in worship in a public way, in the way the priests served in the Old

¨Four Questions to Ask When Contemplating a Change (List)
1. Is it Scriptural? Of course, if the answer is “no,” there is no need for the other questions.
2. Is it wise? Something might be allowed by Scripture, but is not a wise thing to do.
3. Is it wise here? Something may be wise in a large church in a large city that would not be wise in a small rural congregation.
4. Is it wise here now? What worked well in 1950 may not work well at all in 2009.

Characteristics of Israel’s Worship (list)
1.An incomparable God
2.The exodus
3.God’s convenant faithfulness
5.Festivals and fasting
7.The heart and life of the worshiper

Three elements Involved in OT Sacrifice
1.The surrender of something valuable on the part of the worshiper (2 Samuel 24:24)
2.The transfer of guilt from Israelite to

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