Recent research suggests that capital budgeting involves far more than a simple concern with appropriate methods of appraisal. As Neale interlinked successful operation of the key phases of a sequential system as depicted below [5]. It highlights the key questions examined at different stages of the investment decision and control process.
1 Determination of the budget
* How much is available to spend?
2 Search
* What project ideas have emerged?
* What costs and benefits will they generate?
3 Evaluation
* What is the value of the projected costs and benefits?
* What is the target rate of return?
* Does the project's internal rate of return exceed this? (Or does it have a positive net present value?)
* How risky is the project?
4 Monitoring
* During implementation
- Is the project on schedule?
- Will costs exceed the budget?
* Ongoing
- Is the project performing to budget?
- If not, why not?
5 Post completion auditing
* Is the project performing to initial expectations?
* How justified were these expectations?
* What lessons can we draw to assist future appraisals?
Source: [5]
According to Neale, the final phase of the process is the post-completion audit of the project, and it involves:
* examination of the project's progress in its implementation phase; and
* in-depth analysis of the realised costs and benefits to date and the likely future prospects of a project, as compared to initial expectations.
The post completion audit is a positive and forward looking tool. The decision to carry out a post completion audit is
References: 1. Bigg W. W. and Davies J.O., Internal Auditing, The Stellar press hatfield Herts, 5th ed., 1980, Ch.2, pp. 7-23 2. Cosserat, G. W., Modern Auditing, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, England, 1999, Ch. 16, pp. 554-576 3. Garvin, D.A., "Building a learning organisation", Harvard Business Review, July-August 1993, pp. 78-91. 4. Johnson, H.T., Relevance Regained: From Top Down Control to Bottom Up Empowerment, Free Press, New York, NY, 1992. 5. Neale, C.W., "Post-completion auditing: avoiding the pitfalls", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 10 No. 1, 1995, pp. 17-24.