Opening position
Proposed by Management
Written request by Union
Reasonable notice must be given
Leave of absence will be granted without pay
Up to 2 employees for one day
Leave of absence days may not exceed 10 days off
Leave of Absence granted solely for the purpose of carrying out business for the Local
Opening Position
Proposed by Union
Leave of absence with pay up to 2 employees;
5 days with pay, and
12 unpaid, a total of 17 aggregated days,
For the purpose of carrying out business for the Local.
First Attempt in the Negotiation Simulation
In the first attempt the negotiation went too smoothly and came to a decision to easily. Both management and the union felt that a re-negotiation was necessary.
Written Request
Management wanted to ensure that all employees submit a written request to the manager or supervisor on duty. The union felt that it was fair and appropriate. Written request was agreed upon immediately. All union employees who would like to take a leave of absence must have a written request by the union.
Reasonable notice must be given
Management and the union both agreed that employees must give reasonable notice which is 48 hours prior to leave of absence. 48 hours is acceptable by management because it gives enough time to find a replacement
Leave of absence will be granted without pay
Management felt that the initial offer made by the union was unfair and unacceptable. The union was asking for too many days off and wanted additional days paid; in order to carry out business for the local. In total the union was asking for 17 aggregated days; 5 paid days and 12 unpaid. Management’s initial offer was 10 days without pay. Both the management and the union went back and forth and tried to negotiate a fair deal then our target position came into play.
Management and the union – both opening positions were unacceptable
Both opening positions were outrageous and