PTSD is classified as a severe anxiety disorder which is likely to develop when a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events. This study consists of surveys which measure the levels of posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms in soldiers returning from active duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The research will attempt to show soldiers returning from an extended tour of duty are at high risk for developing these mental issues. As discussed in class, stress is any challenge to the system and has an effect on one's emotions as well as their physical well being. Measuring the effects of war on a soldier is sure to expose signs of stress. If a soldier should show signs of posttraumatic …show more content…
Soldiers returning from Iraq reported higher levels of posttraumatic stress than those returning from Afghanistan and were more likley to seek counseling. However, soldiers returning from Iraq were more satisfied with life than those returning from Afghanistan. It was shown in soldiers returning from both Iraq and Afghanistan that being separated or divorced was related to higher levels of posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms. Soldier who were single or separated were more likely to seek counseling than soldiers who were married. Soldiers of a higher ranking were less likely to report symptoms. Those who had counseling prior to redeployment were more likely to report symptoms.
One problem with this study would be that the soldiers involved volunteered to participate in this research. I believe it would have been better to test soldiers at random therefore you would possibly have a much different outcome if the soldiers tested were not already willing to offer up this personal information. Or by handpicking the participants the researchers would have a more controlled experiment.
I see the ratio of white males to ethnic males in this study to be a problem also. More than half of the soldiers in this study were white males. They should include a higher number of men from other ethnic groups or …show more content…
The research showed that soldiers who weren't married were more likely to report depressive symptoms. I am not sure if this means they are more depressed or if it is just that married soldiers are less likely to report the depression. It could be that married men choose not to come forward and admit symptoms in order to appear strong and continuously brave to their family. The results could also mean having a family and a strong social support system could help aid the soldiers. I feel there were many faults in this study and it is mainly directed towards soldiers who are male, white and married. Also, the strictly volunteer basis of this study makes it hard to determine acurately how many soldiers actualy suffer from PTSD or are likely to show symptoms after returning from