To help clients gain control over intrusive symptoms, CPT counselors examine the way thoughts and emotions resulting from flawed interpretations about a traumatic event may influence future emotional processes and behaviors (Resick & Schnicke, 1992). The target symptoms may include guilt, decreased quality of life, impairment of mental health, degree of social functioning, and health perceptions (Galovski, Blain, Mott, Elwood, & Houle, 2012). It is the role of the counselor to help clients identify irrational thoughts or avoidance behaviors that are interfering with healing (Resick & Schnicke, 1992). A basic assumption in CPT is that memories of an event need to be activated in the present so that maladaptive thoughts and related symptoms that interfere with their processing can be identified and replaced with more adaptive information (Resick & Schnicke, 1992). CPT typically takes place over 12 clinical sessions, during which clients are assigned homework to practice and process concepts learned during sessions (Resick et al., …show more content…
It emphasizes the person’s innate striving for self-actualization, the personal characteristics of the therapist and the quality of the therapeutic relationship, the counselor’s creation of a permissive, “growth promoting” climate. There are many core concepts of Person-Centered therapy that I do not align with; for example, in Person-Centered Therapy, there is a belief that most clients have the capacity to understand and resolve their own problems without directive intervention by the therapist. I do not necessarily agree with this, and as a therapist, I would take a directive role in therapy with most of my clients. I would not necessarily use Person-Centered Therapy to form my therapeutic goals. I would incorporate aspects such as congruence (genuineness or realness); unconditional positive regard (acceptance and caring, but not approval of all behavior); and accurate empathic understanding (try to imagine life in their