1. Please choose one of two research topics (don’t forget to select in iLearn).
a. Mate location/choice in the false garden mantis, Pseudomantis albofimbriata
b. Mate choice in the lizard, Platysaurus broadleyi
2. Become familiar with the appropriate data set and the associated statistics (see Appendix). Make sure you attend the relevant tutorials.
3. Look at the example posters online and around the Biology department, read the poster summary and poster rubric provided in iLearn.
4. Remember you and your partner are the researchers and this is your data set, so you should be the authors on the poster. You should also be putting everything into your own words.
5. Write your methods from the information provided for each topic (see Appendix). DO NOT CUT AND PASTE! This needs to be in your own words. You do not need to include all dot points, only what you deem relevant.
6. Begin writing the results – make sure you base these on the statistics. Don’t forget to create graphs for the display of results on your poster. DO NOT INCLUDE RAW DATA!
7. Research the ‘big picture’ topic, the more specific topic, and then write the introduction/background to your study. Don’t forget to include your aims.
8. Finally, write your discussion/conclusion by interpreting the results and linking back to the introduction.
9. Find appropriate photos to include (credit the photographer/website) and come up with a great title.
10. Add a reference list and in-text citations.
11. An abstract is not necessary.
12. Don’t forget to look at your feedback in GradeMark once it is released!!
juveniles collected from Kuringai Bicentennial Park and Yamba Reserve in Sydney from January - February 2013. housed individually within well-ventilated 425 mL transparent cups in the laboratory. lab temperature of 24-26 C and a diurnal period of 14 light hours per day. all juvenile mantids were placed into one of