Postmodern is a complex term with multiple usages. As a consequence, it is open to conflation and confusion. The “post” in postmodern is not definitive and it’s up to the writers to clarify their particular usage. (Gibbins & Reimer, 1996, p. 8) As such, the meaning of “post” in this paper refers a “break from”, “opposition to”, “difference to and from” and a response to”. Works of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill; Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault will prove that there is break between Modernity and Postmodernity.
Modernity Modernity refers to a way of life and state of mind that experience progressive economic and administrative rationalization on which this processes brought the modern capitalist-industrial state.(Gibbins & Reimer, 1996, p. 10) The main process of modernity: industrialization, secularization, urbanization, nationalization. (Gibbins & Reimer, 1996, p. 21) In addition, the concept of modernization refers to the formation of capital, mobilization of resources, development of forces of production and increase in the productivity of labor. Also, growth of the centralized political power, formation of national identities, proliferation of rights of political participation, urbanization of life, formal schooling, secularization of values and norms.( Habermas, 1990, p. 2) In political science modern refers to developments and transformation to an industrial and mechanized society, growth of new classes, social mobility, growth of welfare state, triumph of scientific and technical knowledge, mass education, and culture, and emergence of political parties and modern state. (Gibbins & Reimer, 1996, p. 11) Karl Marx is one of the modernist. He lives in the growing industrial capitalist society to which he advocated the rights of urban working class. In his work Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 he claimed that in a modern industrial capitalist society workers sink to