Poverty is an important issue. It testifies to the human condition. This issue is worthy of studying in order to take preventative measures. Many communities are stricken with poverty and many are not sure about what poverty is. Poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is a societal ill that can be minimalized. The research question that will be addressed is the following:
“What are the main causes and effects of poverty?”
Poverty is an issue because as a civilized race, humans need to eat and live at certain standards. There is no doubt that poverty is in every society. “According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.” (UNICEF) It is important to raise awareness because some of our friends, neighbors, and family may be living in poverty. Resources around the world are not being spread among all the world’s people and they should be shared according to need. Along with poverty comes education and disease. These are all issues that go hand in hand. According to the “Human Development report” headed by the United Nations, “Infectious diseases continue to blight the lives of the poor across the world. Every year there are 350–500 million cases of malaria, with 1 million fatalities (HDR). This is an ongoing issue that should be actively evaluated.
Historical Context
There has always been a secret struggle to try and identify those who are truly poor and impoverished and distinguish them from those who have the means to reach up out of their impoverished situation by working and becoming educated. In reality, poverty is not something new, but something that has been around since before biblical times. The Great Depression was one of the most drastic issues the world had to face. After the Great Depression the rate of unemployment increased a great deal. The majority of the population had no jobs and that lead to poverty. At that time poverty was at its peak. (Measuring Poverty)
Global Context
Globally poverty has been ignored by the masses, yet there are still some groups who actively fund and try to find appropriate regional solutions. One of the reasons poverty is so greatly ignored is because so many people are impoverished and so it becomes normal in many countries because it is the condition of a majority. It is said that over a quarter of the world’s population is living without electricity. (Poverty Statistics) Many more are living without clean sources of food and water. The World Food Program claims that hunger is the number one cause of death in the world (World Food Program). Poverty is a global issue itself, but it is also interconnected with other world issues such as famine, unemployment, and lack of education.
Why we need to act- act now
Action is necessary to prevent. One thing that truly helps poverty is education. If more people are properly educated from a young age they can optimize their chances of fighting poverty and getting out of a cycle that kills. If poverty is not addressed disease will continue to be spread at higher rates and more people will die unnecessary deaths. Many people will die of starvation.
Possible Solutions
There are many possible solutions, but education is the best form of prevention. One can create an awareness campaign or even set up special education schools in poor areas. Government bodies can provide adequate housing projects and set up stores with items with lower pricing. Special programs can be set up through agreements with wealthier countries to provide resources. These days there are programs that assist the unable. One such program was created and developed in the United States and Canada. This is called the Social Welfare Act or in Canada the Unemployment Insurance. These programs are determined to help those in need for a period of time until those using it can support themselves (Canadian Council on Social Development). It is the responsibility of other countries with more resources to spread the wealth. Queen Rania and many other people of very high social class are trying to raise awareness of this deadly issue. Queen Rania also started a fundraiser to help raise awareness. (World Summit) By raising awareness, poverty can slowly be minimalized.
The issue as it relates to Bahrain Poverty in Bahrain extends to lower level of education in the public school system. Bahrain being such a small island with only a population of 1,248,348 really feels the effect of lack of consistency in education. (Demographics) On the other hand they do provide scholarship to study abroad to those who have made it through schools with inspirational marks. In order to get these scholarships though, you must come from a certain background. Although Bahrain is not plagued by disease there is a large issue of lack of education in the villages. In conclusion, the Bahraini society should also be educated on poverty so as a not to ignore it but try and find acceptable solutions. There are many resources in Bahrain and plenty of food and clean water. Donations are just one way to help resolve this issue, but enabling people to help themselves is the best solution. That is done through creating opportunities for everyone.