Poverty is defined as the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; deficiency of necessary or desirable, ingredients, qualities, scantiness; insufficiency. ( There are many people in our country and other countries that suffer from this condition. The third world countries seem to bear the brunt of this condition. Pollution is defined as the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. ( Our country and other countries are responsible for the pollution of the environment all over the world. Emissions from companies that have gone to the third world countries have contributed to the pollution problem. We are all responsible. How are poverty and pollution connected? Who is truly responsible for this, where are the most polluted and poverty stricken places, and what can we do about it? The answers are not easy to find. No one wants to take responsibility for what is happening to our earth. No one wants to put the money that they make by polluting the earth to clean up the earth. It is just not the businesses that cause the pollution. Some of the third world countries have had a problem with this before they moved into the area. They should take responsibility also. There are many ethical implications of businesses polluting in a third world country. Businesses feel that they can pollute the third world countries because the people there are poor and the country is under developed. Third world countries do not have the pollution regulations like the countries in the west, such as our country. This allows companies to build manufacturing plants, such as the automobile industry in whatever third world country they decide on and pay that government privilege fees for being there. There have been companies in the US that
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