With ten people in the family, it is often difficult to support everyone. After the father was cut from his previous job, the family moved to my hometown during the fall in hopes to start over again. Because the community is small, the job opportunity is limited; thus making it difficult to find a way to support themselves. The family, therefore, is living off of welfare and food stamps. The children attend school as often as they can; their ages ranging from kindergarten to junior year in high school. One of the girls happens to be my age and in the same class. When they are not present in school, we can often assume that they are either working to help support the family or at home with the two little ones because they have no money to afford a babysitter.
Hunger is a part of this family 's daily life because sometimes there is not enough money to buy the amount of food they need. Money is so scarce that they often have difficulties paying their bills each month. I noticed that stealing became a second nature when members of the family wanted something. Instead of working towards or asking for it, they would steal anything from food to money to clothes. The clothes that they did have were thin and patched. Most of the clothes were handed down from older children after they grew out of them. They wanted to be
Cited: Peterson, John. "Poverty and Unemployment in America." 11 Dec. 2003 "Poverty," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004. 11 Dec. 2003 © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.