It's hard to believe in a country as wealthy as the United States, that we have the problem of poverty. Poverty has not become a recent problem of our nation. Legislators, scientists and those impoverished have long searched for the end of the poverty cycle. The fact is that poverty does seem to be an inherited trait. Almost as if we are living in a caste system, unable to move up and out of our class. One of the main factors contributing to poverty is education, or the lack of education.
Poverty in General Poverty is seen differently through the eyes of others. Poverty to a billionaire could mean living in a three bedroom home in a suburb, where the average inner city family could only dream of having such a home. The rich tend to think of education as a right, where others drop of school to help support the family or watch siblings. Family structure is also am important aspect in poverty. Celebrities make single motherhood appear to be a breeze, where as poverty inhibits all aspects that allows the single mother/father to succeed. It is proven that all three factors: family structure, education, and race all make their own contribution that enables the poverty cycle to continue.
Poverty in Education Education is the most important tool that can be used to escape poverty. Many impoverished families survive because of government programs and assistance. Some argue
Cited: Dotts, Wayne. "Black and White Teacher Attitude Toward Disadvantaged and Poverty" Education 2001. Kansas State University, Manhattan Kansas 48-54 Hauser, Robert M . "Measuring Socioeconomic Status in Studies of Child Development". Child Development .Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. 1994: 1541-1545 Ku, Inhoe . "The Effect of Welfare on Children 's Education" Social Service Review 2001 The The University of Chicago. Chicago Illinois 245-270 Kubrin, Charles E.;Squires Gregory D. "Privileged Places: Race, Uneven Development and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America. Urban Studies 2005 Routledge,Taylor and Francis Group. Washington D.C. 47-68 Rector, Robert "How Not to Be Poor" National Review 2005. National Review Inc. 26-28