Jenna Patterson
December 12th, 2015
Aboriginals and the Cycle of Poverty Charles Darwin once said in the Voyage of the Beagle, “If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature but by our institutions, great is our sin” (Charles). Poverty is not an inherited trait, but is a consequence of societal laws, practices and customs. First Nations in Canada have been put into a position of poverty and the Canadian government is largely to blame. The First Nations have been disconnected from their traditional way of living in part because the Ministry responsible for helping them has not supported their traditional way of living and has not raised awareness of Aboriginal poverty. The purpose …show more content…
However, “in about half of the Dominion, the aboriginal rights of Indians have arguably been extinguished by treaty” (Sanders, 13). The traditions and culture of Aboriginals are vanishing at a quick pace, and along with them is their wealth. If the Canadian Government restores Native rights over resource development, Aboriginals will be able to restore prosperity required to address poverty in their societies. While the Canadian Government has tried to ‘take care’ of its Aboriginal minorities through its institutions, it has instead created structural neglect. A lobby group tied to the federal Conservatives is pushing Ottawa to, “ditch the Indian Act and give First Nations more control over their land in order to end aboriginal poverty once and for all” (End). This recommendation would increase the income within Native communities, helping them jump out of …show more content…
According to the Indian Act of 1873, Natives “who earned a university degree would automatically lose their Indian status, as would status women who married non-status men/Some traditional practices were prohibited” (Montpetit). This act had restrained Canadian natives from living fully and gaining further education, showing major racial issues. Infact, many traditional and cultural practices were banned, including the use of their native language. By abolishing the Indian Act and allowing Aboriginals to live and govern their own land, the poverty within their society will slowly decrease. The solution to end the cycle of poverty in aboriginal societies is to provide appropriate government funding, raise awareness to the plight of aboriginal communities and support traditional values and lifestyles. Exposing aboriginal poverty to the Canadian public can help Canadians not only understand its cause but also how to help. With appropriate knowledge and resources, Canadian First Nations can escape poverty and live the life they long for rather than the life that they have been forced to live