place that the poor people would live in was called the slums. These areas would be all polluted and most of the people that would live there were sick and starving, for not having any food.They would survive on minimal wage, food and water just staying alive and this could be a huge challenge for them.
The jobs would be very hard work and …show more content…
Mr. Peacock would let Charlie find enough wood to warm up his house and to have a warm meal.This is an example of how people relied on other by helping them out with any spare resources they had. Another way people relied on others this was shown when, Charlie’s father was friends with Mr.Peacock. If it wasn't for Charlie’s father they wouldn't have there house warm or be having hot food.
In1919 there was a huge poverty issue it has improved and successfully decreased by the 1920’s. The state’s economic status was failing during the days of poverty. Many were un-employed and homeless. The main problem of the poverty issue may have been related to WW1 Because lots of solders during the war were injured and crippled.
Lots of companies were lost because there wasn't any jobs when people were making weapons. Melbourne has started to build supporting economies by creating new businesses and companies to try and solve the crisis of poverty. The state has improved the education. With education, improved populations are able to find their way out of poverty and are able to work or to find work.
With the new business and companies they have really helped Melbourne to start again. With good education this also helps to end poverty and the citizen could also help Melbourne by inventing and educating others to make Melbourne a better and more reliable place to