
Poverty in a Conflict Perspectives View

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Poverty in a Conflict Perspectives View
Poverty in a Conflict Perspectives View
Karen Oscar
Chamberlain College of Nursing
SOCS 185N: Culture & Society
Summer 2013

Poverty in a Conflict Perspectives View
Poverty is a big issue that society deals with worldwide. Even right here in the United States of America, poverty is an ongoing problem that society faces every day. Poverty is a way to maintain equilibrium of the levels of stratification. Poverty is nothing but a big conspiracy. Outside forces prevent proven stricken individuals and or groups to climb the success ladder or reach desired goals; they place limits and hardship on the path to success and or the next level up in stratification. In the process of maintaining the levels of stratification proven stricken individuals and groups face problems with education, jobs and crime.
Education and Jobs
Students that attend schools in wealthier communities get access to newer books, better teachers, and better resources. Students in poor communities do not get access to the latest resources and the teachers may not be of better quality. Education pushes poor students into trade and or vocational schools, and the wealthy students are going into prestige universities. People in poor communities are unable to stay in school because they have to make a choice of either going to school or going to work and providing for themselves and their family. Students in poor communities that want to go to college are unable to because they cannot afford to attend the expensive colleges. It is very hard for students in poor communities to get loans or grants because they have no or low income, and cannot get approved for credit. Better jobs require more education, but restrictions are placed so the people in poor communities are compromised with outside factors like rent, food, transportation and etc. The poor also don’t have the skills or supports that are necessary for them to become productive, valued members of society.

Our laws are

References: Sociology a Brief Description (9th edition) Richard T. Schaeffer

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