How about you find something that connects to poverty that you're interested in. Then if you would like to narrow it down, choose a particular group of people and/or a particular part of the world. For example you could look at the connection between:
- poverty and health/disease,
- poverty and education or
- poverty and globalization/trade
For more ideas on these topics, you could check here:
As an example, let's take poverty and education. If you'd like to narrow it down further, you could look at poverty and education for young girls in Africa (a particular group of people and a particular place).
You may want to choose a few topics you're interested in, and then do a quick search online to make sure there's information available on your topic.
One empowering film about poverty that really inspired me is "Waste Land":
Experience in university and as a teaching assistant jordan · 4 years ago
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When people think of poverty they think of it as global, or in the slums of a city. But they don't think of it as in your own back door. Since the recession, there has been so many to loose their jobs and now finding themselves close to being homeless, not being able to put food upon their table and they drive nice cars and live in beautiful houses. They don't look like your textbook poverty class. Then there are those that try, try so hard, they are out everyday looking for work, trying to stretch every dollar they can, but still not be able to put shoes upon their children's feet. Do you know how heart breaking it is for a mother to see her child's feet cold because she can't afford warm shoes? I will tell you until you stand