Jonalyn Aoigan
Jonathan Val Pagdilao
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English 2 (Writing in the Disciplines)
Submitted to: Mark Lawrence A. Fernandez
March 18, 2013
Topic: Poverty: The Philippines Most Common Problem
Thesis Statement: Poverty is the most common problem in the Philippines. This is caused by the rapid population growth, unemployment, and economic crises. But this problem can be overcome by various preventive measures.
I. Introduction
A. Nature of Poverty in the Philippines
B. Impacts of Poverty on Economic Growth and Development
II. Review of Related Literature
A. Causes of Poverty in the Philippines
1. Rapid Population Growth
2. Unemployment
3. Economic Growth
B. Effects of Poverty in the Philippines
1. Malnutrition
2. Poor Economic growth
3. Child Labor
C. Solutions to Overcome Poverty
III. Conclusion
First, thanks to God because we complete this task just in time. Even we faced with many difficulties along to complete this task, my group still manages to complete it we are so glad about it.
Then thanks to our instructor, Mr. Mark Lawrence Fernandez for being a good guider for us while we are doing this task. He had given us appropriate example and knowledge order to make us understand more about this topic. We take some idea from the library. He also makes sure we understand everything. He told and explanation before we begin to work on these topic.
In addition, a great thanks to our parents who tried their best to give their support for us by giving us a lot of encouragement for keep either with this task or by supporting the financial for use to pay all the cost required to complete this paper.
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