For some poverty is a way of life the day to day struggle of keeping food on the table and clothes on their back. For others it is something that is seen only on television, and even then it is not so easy to comprehend. This is usually the case with families who are well to do and money is not an issue. They may describe the characteristics of poverty as to not have certain materialistic items such as clothes, cars, accessories etc. However to someone living in those circumstances it may mean not having the basic necessities of life. What causes this to happen in society? How do people and families reach such a state of desperation? Well there are many reasons as to why this happens; poverty can be attributed to a changing society whereby the cost of living increases and the wages stay the same. It seems logical, if the income per household is lower than the standard of living it then places a family in a position of challenge to meet the needs of everyday life.
Poverty, also known as the “silent killer,” which exists in every corner of the world. The death rate of poverty children is a staggering number; about 9 million children die each year. Some view poverty as people not being able to afford an occupational meal or having to skip a meal to save money. This isn’t true poverty; poverty is where people live on $1.25 or less a day. Living the life of poverty is like living on a rapid downward spinning spiral towards failure. If you were born into poverty there is a slim chance of you making a brighter future for yourself. In some countries, especially Africa, they have a law that states if you’re contagious then you can’t go to school. Most kids in poverty are chronically ill, therefore seldom going to get an education. The lack of education is a major difficulty for these children later in life.
What does it mean to be poor in America? There is no single description of American poverty. But for many, perhaps most, it means homes with inadequate