Animal Farm illustrates the use of power and manipulation through the characters of Napoleon, who gains much of this through the use of fear. Before Old Major's death, he preached about a land of freedom and equality for all, but the power struggle between Napoleon and Snowball leads to the corruption of the original rules. The two fight amongst each other for power and influence, and, relating to the story of Lord of the Flies, the group is unable to decide what to do with their new found freedom, in this case, the construction of the windmill. He ousts his rival, and when the animals to not agree with him, he uses his power to win their support. He spreads rumours about Snowball, saying: Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL! Snowball has done this thing!" He uses these lies to create a strong coalition in his favour and make Snowball seem to be the enemy.
Similarly, Lord of the Flies also demonstrates the same themes. When a young boy tells rumours of a serpentine 'Beastie' that inhabits the island, doubt and murmurs spread across the children. After much disorder the leader Ralph tries to convince them to the contrary, explaining there is no such monster. The meeting becomes chaotic as the antagonist, Jack, like