Power Distance
France working culture is centraly based on working hierchies, indivuidualism and high uncertainty avoidance.
France is a country with high (68%) inequalities acceptance . It is a country where laboral hierachy exist, and were power is consolidated in hands of the minority. Employees have a great respect for their superiors, and only report to their inmediate managers, where information formaly continues its flow hierarchicaly Also, this herarchy seem to limit communication with superiors, which are often inaccesible.
France also has an 71% individualist working culture. Individual and family cares hold a greater value, than caring for the general society. In the working area, there is a contract-based relation, which limits personal interactions and encourages autonomy. Employees don’t seek group belonging, but instead aspire independent care and recognition. Managers, do not rely in each other, instead they expect the management of individuals, employees that are capable of working for themselves. ependent p belonging, but instead aspire indivual recognition. ves s others experience. Communication is direct with lities. It
Finally, France has one the highest scores on the Uncertainty Avoidance (86%). Meaning it has a low capability to cope with the unknown future. In their working environment they have a management, based on rules, planning and avoidance to changing policies. These things provide them security and decrease the chances of stress. They don’t rely in practice like Jamaica; instead they concentrate in accumulating teachings in detail and context.
On the other hand, Jamaica has a working environment, that demands equal rights, collectivism, loyality and has a low uncertainty avoidance rate.
Jamaica has minor approval to inequalities compared to France. It is a country where employees demand independence , equal rights and accesibility to superiors. Power is distributed, and hierarchies are commonly