As previously stated, the power of words had a negative impact on society itself. In the novel, Gentile children were sent to school where they were taught about the “fuhrer,” and how to idolize him. At their schools they were encouraged to shame and dehumanize Jewish people. During …show more content…
Liesel found positivity in novels; she read as she escaped the reality of the war. The words which she longed for, kept her occupied where she remained heartened always. Hans was a man who played the accordion; he enjoyed the music. The power of words in this case, helped Hans stay ebullient despite all that was happening around him. When Liesel arrived to Himmel street, she was not the best with words, or reading. Hans took advantage of the fact that Liesel needed help. This resulted in bonding time between the foster dad and daughter. The harmony in words and the sentences they can create was priceless to Liesel. For Max Vandenburg, words were very special to him. They allowed for him to bond with Liesel as she did have a craving for words and novels. He taught her what he knew and was keen to the fact that Liesel was fond of his stories. Max would be able to write a short story for Liesel, in which he told the truth about the war. Max and Liesel knew that one was powerless without words. When Max was ailing, Liesel would accompany him, allowing words to be their only way of keeping the closeness they had created. Liesel planted a seed. A seed that would result in a word tree, a word tree that allows for there to be words with true meaning. Liesel was of course the word shaker, who understood the true power of words. Her desire to learn more and cravings for words, got her this …show more content…
For this particular incident, the Jewish propaganda on the newspapers resulted in hatred, and Jews were stripped off their human rights. They had no voice to the Gentiles who heiled Hitler. The Fuhrer, had a metamorphic tree of words. For his trees, he planted seeds that were created from the words he spoke. The words he spoke were of Jewish people. As a result of this, the Fuhrer gained his proponents and thus his series of trees unfolded. They stood high and the only thing growing off of them were the senseless words. Those words that were used against Jews, and only inculcated society. Max created a tree of words and Liesel was the word shaker who had planted a seed. This of course is a metaphor, in which Liesel plants the seed that signified friendship between her and Max. The seed would later bloom into a tree that was not like the Fuhrer’s; a tree that was only positive. The Fuhrer would later wish to cut down the forest of these trees that had no words to brainwash people. The power of words in the sense that it can have a positive impact is shown by this metamorphic tree. When berating words are not said, nor are they stacked up high, the result can be as simple as a Fuhrer demanding to cut down that tree because he is not gaining any power from it. It can be said that the power of words has an impact on the way they are said.
In conclusion,