it one way or another. His boots. Surely on the feet of Himmler, master of all Jews, would be the most magnificent boots of all. Maybe they went all the way up his legs maybe they have silver eagles” (Spinelli 111). (Emotions) Misha is judgmental of look and only respect the ones that look respectable. Once Misha saw that the unattractive one was Himmler he lost respect in all jackboots. Himmler looking like uncle shepsl someone he wasn’t really found of and did not have any power because he thought that will all the power they had they would have good looks to.
The flops don’t have tall black boots like the jackboots have. Misha sees them as not respectable and doesn’t fear them because of their traders to their to their own people Jews. “Flops were not allowed to carry guns, but each had a whistle and a wooden club as long as my arm. they wore uniforms but they never fit ... any high boots, no silver eagles. And of course, being Jews they wore armbands” (Spinelli 102). Misha is confident was his ability to beat the flops with his adjitity and small size. In the book milkweed, Jerry Spinelli uses symbolism do to describe a needs of a character and how they learn from their experiences. Misha lived in Warsaw Poland during World War ll. Misha uses looks when describing power he comes across. Boots was a symbol of power when it came looks. Misha learns thought out the story that looks are deceiving when it came to Sir Himmler, the flops.