School : SMAN 1 TALAGA RAYA Class : XI IPA Semester : IV Subject : English Day/Time : Thursday/07.15 – 08.45 am
Competency standard : Express the meaning in writing functional text and the simple Short essay which form procedure to interact with environment
Basic competency : Express the meaning and rhetorical step in short simple essay with using written language accurately, fluency, and accepted to interact with environment in text which form procedure.
Indicator : - Arrange the procedure text - Write the procedure text
Aspect/skill : Writing
Objective learning : In the end of learning, the student will be able to write procedure text
Learning Material
Monolog text form:
How to make a cup of coffee
Hot Water
A spoon
A cup
First prepare a cup and a spoon
Then put some coffee and sugar to the cup
And the next and some hot water to the cup
After that stir well until enough
Finally a cup of coffee is ready to drink
Vocabulary which is involved with the material:
Verb : beat, boil stir, mix, slice, peel, prepare and etc.
Noun : flour, salt, butter, soup, garlic, egg, water and etc.
Learning Method
Portofolio, Cooperative learning, learning (pair work)
Step of learning
a. Pre activity (15 minutes)
- Greeting and asking student condition
- Check attendance list
- Asking about the last material
- Motivate student to study hardly about the material that teacher has given.
b. While activity (60 minutes)
- Remaining student’ prior knowledge and inviting students’ prior knowledge
- Student give explanation to student about