Practices and conceptions involving electric guitar classes in private music schools
Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil) Marcos da Rosa Garcia
This article discusses issues related to teaching the electric guitar in a private music school that offers free courses in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. This work aims to present and reflect on the processes that characterize the teaching of the electric guitar in the context mentioned, taking into consideration its educational and spatial dimensions and the profile of the students. Together, these aspects constitute an educational environment, its respective concepts and practices. This study is based on a extant literature in the field of music education and related areas, as well as on empirical data collected through interviews and questionnaires applied to students and a teacher working in this context. From the literature, it was evident the importance of the context for the formation of the guitar players interviewed, for the perspectives and contents proposed and for the performance difficulties of the educator, the musician-teacher, observed.
Electric guitar, music school, musician-teacher It is noticeable that the number of young people who became interested in the electric guitar and thus want to learn how to play it has increased in the recent years. This interest emerges not only because of its unique sonority and specific music application, but it is also due to the image and the attitude of many musicians and performers, in addition to television advertisements and billboards that exploit the image of the electric guitar and the symbolism behind this pop culture icon. For many, playing the electric guitar has become a rite of passage in adolescence and, sometimes, what would be just a hobby becomes a profession. In Brazil, private music schools offer individual and
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