One with PWS will have food cravings constantly, whether it is garbage or frozen food does not matter, it will be consumed. Hoarding may even apply to those with PWS. Furthermore, one with PWS will not have fully developed sex organs. In a man, his testes will be underdeveloped and for a women, her ovaries. A woman may not begin to menstruate until her thirties, and a man will not have a deepened voice until way after normal puberty time. Another symptom is the imbalance of muscle and fat ratio. The fat mass will take up more weight than those of the muscle, so the person will have a shorter and chunkier appearance. (Staff, 2014) One with PWS may also have diminished intellectual functionality. Even if it not a severe case, there are usually some learning disabilities present. (Prader-Willi Syndrome) Additionally, a patient with PWS will be lagging behind his age group in his motor development performance as well as speech skills. Moreover, one with PWS will generally have behavioral troubles: temper tantrums when denied food, manipulation of others, stubbornness, or any mental health disorders. Dysfunctional sleep may also be a symptom of PWS; sleep apnea can be an issue as well. One with PWS may also have a curvature of the spine, known as scoliosis. Lastly, PWS can cause endocrine system failures; one may not be able to deal with stress …show more content…
The first category is obesity-related complications. PWS victims need less than the normal amount of calories, and the unvarying hunger and little muscle mass do not help them with the obesity problems. An example of a complication that happens because of this combination is type 2 Diabetes; the body is not able to use insulin properly because of the high intake of sugar. Another complication is heart disease. Because of the obesity, there is higher blood pressure, the arteries become hardened, and the cholesterol increases, leading to stroke and heart disease. The next complication is sleep apnea. One with PWS can feel weak and may fall asleep during daytime hours, and also has trouble breathing when asleep; at worst one can die. Another complication that mostly applies to people with obesity is liver disease. There are two other complications that are categorized together because they arise from the sophisticated nature of PWS. The first complication is called binge eating. It is when a person just keeps eating and does not realize it is affecting them. The second one is behavior problems which can interfere with family and