In 1559 Queen Elizabeth 1 of England passed two acts as part of the Church Settlement: The Act of Supremacy and The Act of Uniformity. With these acts she aimed to unite her countries people and avoid rebellion from each religious group. At first it seemed to have worked: The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Matthew Parker (a moderate protestant) was popular with most people; Only 250 out of 9000 priests refused to take the oath of loyalty to the new Church; the fines for recusancy were not strictly enforced and there were no serious protests or rebellions. By 1568 most people had accepted the new Church.…
Buckingham formed a very close relationship with Charles which many MP’s feared. This close relationship and the amount of power that Buckingham possessed, often led to arguments between the King and Parliament, which eventually led to the king adopting personal rule. Buckingham monopolised Patronage at court, and advancement in Office was only approved with Buckingham support. Many MP’s were suspicious of his close relationship with both Charles 1 and James 1, and despised the fact that they could only gain advancement in the career with his consent. Furthermore Buckingham had arranged the marriage of Charles and Henrietta Maria who was Catholic. Many MP’s thought Buckingham was trying to introduce Catholicism in England, which they thought would threaten the ancient liberties of the Church of England. The king’s protection of Buckingham led to Parliament being dissolved which angered many MPs. In 1626 Parliament attempted to Impeach Buckingham, however the King stopped this by dissolving Parliament which prevented them from passing the subsidies which the King needed. These show how Buckingham’s action caused disputes between the King and Parliament, which eventually led to the king adopting Personal Rule as he thought he could manage without Parliament. However…
The chief minister to King Henry VIII, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey and Sir Thomas More, Wolsey’s successor, guided the opposition to Protestantism. The king earned the title “Defender of the Faith” by protecting the 7 sacraments against Luther’s attacks. Thomas More wrote Response to Luther in 1523.…
The second person in the novel that shows he cares more about financial success rather than having clear morals is…
In Source N Peter Ackroyd tells about J. Foxe’s “Book of Martyrs”. According to this book, “he tied heretics to a tree in his Chelsea garden and whipped them”. This, if it’s true, undoubtedly demonstrates More’s cruelty and shows him as a sadist. The quote from the book also says: “he watched as newe men were put upon the rack in the Tower and tortured until they confessed” and “he was personally responsible for the burning of several of the brethren in Smithfield”. If we agree to his words that he never tortured people, but only imprisoned heretics in his house, we still can say that he was not a cruel man himself. Even if we accept that he was guilty in burning heretics, it was not an uncommon thing those times. Heretics were being burnt all the time obeying to the word of the Church. Moreover, by burning heretics More was still carrying King’s and again Churche’s tasks. Therefore we can say that Thomas More stood up as a cruel man, but served his King loyally. When Henry couldn't get the divorce he wanted, he simply created his own church with himself as the supreme religious figure, but one which an entire country chose to…
When Martin Luther posted the 95 theses in 1517, he had changed the entire path of European politics and religion. He sparked a thought in the region that in many cases, converted people’s basic Christian beliefs. At the time, the Roman Catholic Church was the most powerful Institution. However, there were many corruptions and problematic doctrines, which Luther opposed. Though most commoners became followers because of faith, political leaders sometimes became protestant for other reasons. One important figure that was influenced by this protestant reformation was King Henry VIII of England. A monarch, he had a great desire to have a son that would be his heir, the next king. Unfortunately, his first wife was only able to birth one daughter. By then Henry VIII had formed a relationship with another woman. This one promised him a son. However, the Catholic Church forbade divorce and Henry VIII was Catholic at the time. To resolve this issue, England separated from the church and began the Anglican Church, a church headed by Henry VIII himself. The Act of Supremacy in 1534 officially began England’s Protestant Reformation. With this new power of the state over the church, the head of the King’s Council, Thomas Cromwell, carried out new government policies which included new taxes, increased power of the monarchy in Northern England, dissolution of Roman Catholic monasteries, and confiscation of the lands that belong to the Church. Enraged, commoners and nobles alike began marching and protesting in what was known collectively as the Pilgrimage of Grace. These individuals that numbered in the tens of thousands, marched for political and religious reasons, while the opposition also claimed political and religious reasons for the protests to stop.…
When Elizabeth I took the crown in 1558 she was faced with many dilemmas - England was a country in religious turmoil; not only had it just been ruled by three monarchs in under a decade, but it had been ruled by different religions. After the death of Henry VII, who had created the Act of Supremacy declaring the Monarch the sole Head of the Church of England and therefore undermining the power of the Pope, Edward VI took the crown and England was converted into a Protestant country. There were rebellions during Edward’s reign dividing the nation, and after his death Edward’s eldest sister Mary I became Queen. Being a strict Catholic, England was converted back to Catholicism and it seemed the masses were welcoming this religion back. However, groups of Protestants were unhappy and Mary took strong actions; burning heretics and martyrs. So, when Elizabeth (who is believed to be Protestant) took the thrown, she had a divided nation, with the welfare of her subjects in the balance.…
List the five most important inventions of the early nineteenth century. Rank them in order of importance. Justify your ranking.…
‘Flawed characters are always more memorable than any moral lessons that literature seeks to draw from them’…
Other than dealing with the elitist society, the story also displays many features of modern literature. The main character’s obsession for material items and desire to gain wealth was another aspect of the story that made it very modernist. At a young age, he thought he was too young to work as a caddy and strived to obtain greater wealth. This was one of the main qualities of characters in the Modernism time.…
Dr. King Jr. is telling his fellow clergymen although he is not one for breaking or disobeying the law, he…
St. Thomas More was killed for not obeying King Henry VIII’s choice to divorce his wife and, whist that was happening King Henry VIII announced that he would be the head of the Church in England. Thomas More was against this double divorce, and paid very deeply for it; as for he was killed on July 6, 1535. Thomas More was well known for his book Utopia and for his unfortunate death in 1535, after rejecting to admit King Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England, his last words were “I die the king 's faithful servant, but God 's first.”…
The point of view can be seen to follow both in my opinion can be seen to follow both the fall of Sir Thomas More and the rise of Richard Rich. I believe that Bolt did this to…
Sir Thomas More: he is the main character. His refusal to affirm the Act of Supremacy making King Henry VIII the supreme head of the Church of England. The play focuses on Sir Thomas More inability to sacrifice his moral conscience to save his life. His conscience is more important to him than life itself. He is more existential than he is religious. He is not eager to be a martyr; he tries not to become one by refusing to speak out against the Act of Supremacy.…
It appears from all this that the person of the king is sacred, and that to attack him in any way is sacrilege. God has the kings anointed by his prophets with the holy unction in like manner as he has bishops and altars anointed. But even without the external application in thus being anointed, they are by their very office the representatives of the divine majesty deputed by Providence for the execution of his purposes. Accordingly…