‘PRAN’ started its operation in 1981 as a processors fruit and vegetable in Bangladesh. Over the years, the company has not only grown in stature but also contributed significantly to the overall socio-economic development of the country. “PRAN” is currently one of the most admired food & beverages brand among the millions of people of Bangladesh and other 82 countries of the world where PRAN Products are regularly being exported. PRAN is currently producing more than 200 food products under 10 different categories i.e. Juices, Drinks, Mineral Water, Bakery, Carbonated beverages, Snacks, Culinary, Confectionery, Biscuits & Dairy. The company has adopted ISO 9001 as a guiding principle of its management system. The company is complaint to HACCP & certified with HALAL which ensures only the best quality products are reaches to the consumers table across the Globe.
Competitive Analysis:
Bangladesh ice-cream industry is growing. Despite increasing market demands, only a few companies have entered this industry due to entry barriers of lengthy and complex production process and high investments. However these companies have established their positions in the market very efficiently. Names and short descriptions of these companies are given bellow.
Igloo: Abdul Monem Limited is manufacturing and marketing Igloo ice cream. Being the pioneer ice cream brand in Bangladesh,Igloo’s strengths are its goodwill of the company and brand image as well as strong distribution network which enables them to build strong product lines of fifty items and broad market coverage of 63%.
Polar: Dhaka ice cream industries Ltd. Introduced Polar as the first hygienically packed ice cream in Bangladesh. The strengths of Polar are; steady growth of the organization, competitive pricing & quality product.Holding almost 24% of the market share, Polar use Danish equipment and technology & also Imports raw materials from Europe.
Kwality: Kwality Wall 's is the producer
References: www.pranfoods.net www.thedailystar.com www.bdyellowbook.com www.polarbd.com