Emotions and moods play a very significant effect on an employee in an organization. The article describes how moods and emotions rise or drop an employees performance in an organization, also a research has been conducted and employees emotions have been categorized and modelled explaining the factors influencing it.
Emotion management has fairly been a prominent activity in the human resources department of any organization to make sure that every employee has a strong social personality and also gets the ability to stabilize his/her emotions.
Human capital is an asset for any organization and the intellectual capital and emotional capital are the two factors that would build or break an organization. Intellectual capital being an employee's intelligence and ability to understand things and work efficiently, emotional capital can be categorized as the factor to which an employee can refrain himself from being influenced by his mood swings and emotions.
Emotions can be considered more intense feelings than mood swings, however mood swings have a longer effect on a person. Getting angry or irritated can be considered an emotion which doesn't last for a long time, however having a bad mood at the start of the day can influence a person's mood for a few hours or sometimes the entire day.
Scholars deduced that emotions are continuous and also divided the emotions and moods into different dimensionalities in accordance to a person's nature and moods. These moods can be generally classified into arouse drowsy, happy ,sad, satisfied, irritated, suffering, exciting.
"yet izard" a scholar in 1977 proposed a theory about emotions and classified them as positive factors, negative factors, and neutral factors. These are the ones mostly influenced by internal and external factors , internal factors being the work environment and the external factors could be