In “Effective Biblical Counseling,” Dr. Larry Crabb attempts to provide a concrete biblically based view of counseling and how it can best be applied. Dr. Crabb gives his interpretation on the different styles of integration in regards to Christianity and psychology. He also discussed his goal of biblical counseling which “is to promote Christian maturity to help people enter into a richer experience of worship and a more effective life of service.” (1977) he attempts…
The opening of the book that was written by Dr. Mark McMinn takes the reader on a journey from start to finish. McMinn gives a description of how Christianity is related to psychology. The author teaches about the different translations that the Bible has and how one can relate it to their everyday life ( McMinn, 2011). The translations from the Bible includes Logos words, Rema, and personal living word for each person (McMinn, 2011). Due to the translations that McMinn discussed it is important for a counselor who is willing to utilize Scripture in their counseling sessions to be able to understand the translations and be able to adhere to the word of God.…
Mark McMinn’s book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, 1996, brings theology, Christian spirituality, and psychology into the counseling responsibility. Faith, true, honest, heartfelt faith is his unceasing, steady, melody. McMinn just doesn’t just focus on using Christian doctrine in therapy sessions with your clients. He spends an equal amount of time coaching and educating on the invaluable importance of spirituality in the counselors life. Christian counseling strengthens three areas of a person’s life: sense of self, an awareness of human need and limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others. When we are right with the Lord, when we walk in the Light, we led by example. We led by example at church, in daily living and in our profession.…
After establishing the background of his book McMinn (2011) begins to discuss several theological topics related to intra-disciplinary integration. The first theological them McMinn (2011) discusses is prayer. Despite the fact that many students are not adequately trained in theology or possess the necessary spiritual discipline to effectively integrate prayer into counseling, McMinn (2011) believes that prayer is essential to achieve mental and spiritual health. McMinn (2011) also mentions the ethical issues a counselor may come across when using prayer with their clients. McMinn (2011) then offers his readers with several techniques to incorporate prayer into their practice. With each technique that McMinn (2011) describes he also mentions the risk that exist if misused by individuals who have failed to be properly trained in each technique. McMinn (2011) then focuses his reader’s attention to the use of Scripture in counseling. As with prayer, if a counselor is not properly trained in the use of Scripture it can also be ineffective and posses a risk to client. McMinn (2011) points out that the Christian…
In his book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, Dr. David N. Entwistle (2010) provides his readers with a great tool and look into Christian Counseling. He opens the book by challenging the reader by introducing the tension between psychology and Christianity. Entwistle then mentions the idea that the two, psychology and Christianity, may be unable to exist together in the same profession. To support this idea Entwistle (2010) mentions that it may be impossible…
Clinton, T. , & Ohlschlager, G. (2002). Competent Christian Counseling, Volume One. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.…
The book begins with at brief selection as it addresses the importance of the counselor utilizing the Christian faith in counseling in addition to focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. It addresses the issues and concerns that religion may bring into counseling sessions and how the counselor should address and handle these challenges. McMinn addresses the facts that spiritual development must take place with the client as well as the counselor. The counselor must personally address the regulation of prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption these formulations are a necessity for smooth sessions for the client and counselor. The objective of the sessions is to create a healthy sense of self for the client. Once this objective is achieved, the client can move from being broken, and begin a self-motivated and fulfilling relationship with God and others.…
As McMinn works through the concepts of integrating these three distinct disciplines, Christian counseling becomes more complex and multifaceted. Christian counselors set their eyes upon God with an individual’s spiritual growth and mental health in their mind. In addition to placing the pieces of a battered mental health condition focus to the forefront, their client’s eternity of life and knowledge of God is an important piece of the puzzle. A more detailed perspective of psychological and spiritual health, allows every individual to recognize their responsibility to God, to their family and…
Christian counseling integrates the fundamental specialties of psychology, theology, and spirituality into the counseling relationship. McMinn (1996) delivers this insightful guide into the profuse approaches of integration through the means of Scripture, prayer, confession, and redemption. This resource provides further insight into how these aspects may be applied and enriched through the incorporation of spirituality into sessions. McMinn (1996)…
Psychoeducational Model theory is unique in that it is a collaboration of systems theory’s that help support the family unit. This theory includes elements that assist clients who have severe mental issues as well as clients who have family functioning problems. With the enlistment of doctors and other professionals clients are given the skills and tools they need to help themselves. Clients who help themselves are being productive in their own theraptic process. Integrating Christian doctrine into counseling can be difficult. Maintaining the balance of the psychological aspect and teaching Christians based theories are necessary in today’s counseling profession. Integrating these factors while considering the Psychoeducational theory is a positive and effective method for counseling in counseling profession.…
When reading psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling McMinn (2011) focuses on two secret places in the counselor’s lives (p.xxi). McMinn (2011), first place focuses on the counseling office and what take place behind close doors. Secondly the spiritual life of Christian counselors reflecting upon the counselor’s personal lifestyle and his or her task within the counseling sessions. McMinn (2011) also informs the counselors of how he or she should integrate Christian faith into the counseling sessions but not focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. McMinn focuses on the insight of allowing the client the opportunity to see the integration of the three perspective approaches. The integration of the psychology, theology and spirituality gives the individual the opportunity to identify certain aspects within their lives, which may be enhanced when the counselor includes spirituality within the counseling session.…
It is important to know the scientific aspects of psychology to better determine what type of therapy would best suit the clients. Faith alone is simply praying to be healed. Faith integrated therapy should take the scientific gifts God has placed within the therapist to find the best therapeutic approach for the clients. Without science, psychology is just a therapist and a client (or clients) talking back and forth to each other without goals or objectives to reach those goals, there needs to be more substance to therapy than that for the benefit of both the client and the reputation of therapy…
In the book entitled Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling written by Mark R. McMinn, PHD., (1995) the author focused on how various techniques that can be used to help the clients during counseling session by using integration of psychology, theology and spirituality.…
Cognitive behavioral therapy is being use within the Christian counseling arena as well. CBT focuses on creating a more positive thought and behavioral process, which on its own is an excellent form of therapy, but used in conjunction with Christian counseling the effects can be powerful (Pietch, 2012). Cognitive therapy is capable of being successfully integrated with Christian pastoral counsel, assisting believers with a more joyful life by dealing with spiritual and psychological issues from the past (Pietch, 2012). When CBT is integrated within the spiritual context of pastoral care the retraining of the mind that takes place focuses on scripture and the healing power of Jesus (Pietch, 2012). The key to integrating these therapies is using scripture and biblical truth as the focus of the psychological thought retraining process (Pietch,…
What has happened to this country’s generation? We used to be a country where you could go out and say “Hey I am a Christian and I am proud of it.” Now we can’t even go into schools and pray or preach a sermon in church without someone getting butt hurt and wanting to file a lawsuit. We need to take a stand and say “Hey I am a Christian and I am still here and I am proud!”…