PreCalculus Honors Summer Assignment Essay
By definition, mathematics is said to be “the science of numbers, quantities, shapes and the relations between them” (MerriamWebster Dictionary). Yes, in a broad spectrum this is true, but when it comes to different types of mathematics, and the various different fields of study, mathematics itself can be very condensed and specific. There are fields like geometry, algebra, calculus, statistics, the list goes on.
Many people may be ignorant and say that mathematics may not fit into their life, however, that is the complete opposite. It is true, however, that math may not be a favorite subject of the person, or may not be the main focus of their occupation. Yet, math fits into everyone’s life somehow. Personally, in my life, I use math to budget shopping money, to plan out time for school related activities and those of my own leisure, and most likely a plethora of other things. All in all, mathematics is most definitely in my life, and most likely other people’s lives. Although some people may say that “mathematics is irrelevant”, a teacher definitely thinks otherwise! If I were to teach a mathematics course, I would teach by example, not theoretics. In order to teach, you must go through the steps, and make sure it is easily understood. Just simply giving out problems and then answers is not a way to teach. Therefore, if
I were to teach a mathematics course, I believe it would run very smoothly.
All math teachers tend to say “math is everywhere”. I believe that they, whether many people want to believe it or not, math is everywhere. You need math to tell time, to count money, pay taxes, the list goes on. Those who say math is not everywhere most likely are thinking of
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difficult equations and methods that you learn in, for example, a calculus class. Teachers give out word problems that are about reallife situations, because those