There was a home center with age appropriate kitchen tools that multiple children were able to play at together. There was a large block area located where the morning meeting rug was for the children to construct as a group. Children’s choice was present throughout the room; a few that stood out to me the most was that they are able to choose what they wanted to have for lunch based on what the cafeteria is offering on that current day. The children were also aloud to choose what stations they wanted to attend when they were done with their group craft. Centers surrounded the room; a few of the many centers in the classroom were the home center and the water center.
The traffic pattern in the classroom was controlled, the only thing was their was a straight stretch from the door into the classroom to the exit door that is how the children go outside. I noticed children running from the door outside of the classroom to the door to go outside. The centers and sections in the classroom were constrained by bookshelves and other classroom