One of the subjects that what written …show more content…
Our justice system was modal for fairness of the citizens of America. Criminal justice is the system is to make sure the government upholds social control, deterring and punishing those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The framers instituted the idea that everyone was idiot until being proven guilty beyond a reasonable dout. The other thing the Government instituted was giving everyone a fair chance to prove their innocence. Such as every one has the right to remain silent. Everyone has the fair right to an attorney, if some can not afford one one will be appointed towards them. The bill of right also adds to the establishment of justice. The first amendment definitely does because it state that we as American citizens, have many freedoms that goes along with the freedom of justest. An another Amend that also goes along with that is the fourth amendment. The fourth Amendment states that the police cannot search and size things in your house without a probable cause without a warrant. Another thing that American justice system gives to its defenders is the right to be tried by a jury. When the frames of the constitution put in the words of establishing justice there main goal was to give everyone the equal right of being free. Freedom is basically the emblem of America, and every citizen has an equal chance of keeping it. Our government has done a …show more content…
Some of the government assistance programs that people depend on are benefits and financial assistance, unemployment benefits, food stamps, welfare or temporary assistance for needy families, and medical coverage. All of these government provided things help Amerca function. General welfare is a great thing for the poor, and the needy. The purpose of general welfare is to help people keep up with America, and the long term goal is for them to eventually not need it any more. The Medical care is what i think is the most beneficial government provided assistance for the poor. Becoming sick and injured are things that can not be avoided. President Obama introduced Obama care which benefits the poor because it supports the idea of universal health care. Another thing that is great for old people in social security, which gives them money. I am not sure what the frames had in mind when they thought of general welfare but this is what it evolved into. I think America is doing its best to provide for those who are less fortunate and have to depend on the government. Food stamps and housing for the pore are all great things america is doing for the poor. Many of the people in America. appreciate what America is doing because so many of the citizens depend on