These are legislative, executive, and judicial. These are followed by the fourth article which establishes “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State”. This article allows the states their own rights. Next is the fifth article which grants the ability to amend or change the constitution when two-thirds of each house of congress or state legislatures agree with the change. (Such as adding the Bill of Rights.) Article six claims the constitution is the “supreme law of the land” and precedes the final article, number seven, that names the delegates who signed the Constitution. The rest of the people’s rights are in the Bill of Rights. These include freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to protest. Those four rights are often conflicted in today’s politics. The Bill of Rights also includes the right to be secure in a person’s house, a well regulated Militia, and more. Following these amendments is the Preamble which is a declaration made by the founding fathers to keep our country secure and
These are legislative, executive, and judicial. These are followed by the fourth article which establishes “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State”. This article allows the states their own rights. Next is the fifth article which grants the ability to amend or change the constitution when two-thirds of each house of congress or state legislatures agree with the change. (Such as adding the Bill of Rights.) Article six claims the constitution is the “supreme law of the land” and precedes the final article, number seven, that names the delegates who signed the Constitution. The rest of the people’s rights are in the Bill of Rights. These include freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to protest. Those four rights are often conflicted in today’s politics. The Bill of Rights also includes the right to be secure in a person’s house, a well regulated Militia, and more. Following these amendments is the Preamble which is a declaration made by the founding fathers to keep our country secure and