Narrative Essay
Ailie Yang
I was watching the kids playing in the park and drawing with chalks on the hallway, thinking of me being like them when I was in their age. Little kids get nothing to worry, they chase each other, and they giggle and laugh out loudly, like I did. I can still remember how much fun I had in kindergarten. We always had activities, festivals, field trips and performances. Learning was not hard for me, actually it interested me. The teachers I met were nice, they were very patient and they were all ‘kids’ people. I was once in the kindergarten, eating snacks and playing in the sandbox just like the kids. Fun activities always make kids excited, including me. One of my favorite was the field trip, went to a real field, picked up tomatoes, strawberries and peas. I loved it and so did most of the kids in my class. Some girls were scared of the bugs and worms; they screamed and even cried badly. Of course the boys teased them at the first place. I was totally fine with the bugs somehow. We also went to a museum; it was all about science, space and physics. I thought it was pretty cool, plus it had air-conditioner which made it cooler than the field.
Then it was the classic Halloween parade, I dressed up as a princess just like all the girls did. I was wearing a pink dress, a shiny silver crown with some fake plastic diamonds and held a shiny silver star wound. I had makeup on my face, my cheeks were pink and my lips were red. This really made all the kids pumped. We got to dress up like Cinderella and Aurora; the boys were like Prince Charming and Prince Phillip. The most important part was the trick or treat, ever dressed up kids went to the decorated classrooms, sang the tricky song and got few treats from the witches, monsters, vampires and Barbie. All the kids had a great time with the teachers and parents. The activities we had in kindergarten were very amazing and awesome. I really enjoyed