The person that proved my preconceived notion to be false is one of my closest friends named Jolie. My first impression of her was not very nice at all, but in all honesty, it may not have been a decent day for me when I first met her. The first time I met Jolie, the first thing that triggered in my mind was, “ Wow! This chick’s voice is super annoying”, and maybe with some other colorful words in between. Secondly was the content of which she was speaking about; all her top branded clothes, shopping nearly everyday, money shredding, and basically getting whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Soon, my thoughts of her were simply, she was a stuck-up, spoiled princess who is not grateful for anything that her parents give to her.
A few weeks after my awful notion of her, I finally was able to meet the real Jolie when my math teacher, Mrs. Burns, made us project partners. Thanks to the project, we managed to exchange phone numbers and conversed and I was allowed to talk know her better. I found out her parents were divorced and that the shopping nearly everyday was to spend time with her mother or father, depending on which day/week she was who. I also discovered that the branded clothes were for her to go out