This is the argument libertarian free will makes.
The same people who believe that they are freely making choices also believe that the world has come to the point it is at because of past events. The world is a giant web of causes and effects. Hard determinists argue that because everything has a cause, no decision is made freely. Instead, every choice and action ever made is the result of a preceding event or events that led to the action. Advocates of libertarian free will explain this by noting the difference between the events of the world from events in the mind, or thoughts. Events that occur in the world are deterministic, with everything having a cause and effect. Libertarian free will draws the line at the human mind. It says that the mind makes its own decisions and create an entirely new set of causes in the physical world. This debate begins to focus on whether or not the human mind is capable of making its own decisions, something to which new technology and science are giving new insight. For the past 50 years or so, neuroscience has come to the conclusion that the brain does not make its own decisions, but uses past events and experiences to determine which action is
best. Neuroscientists have shown that even before a person begins to think about a choice, their brain is already hard at work making the decision. For a brain to be thinking without a person first being consciously aware of itself doing the thinking, free will cannot exist. Professor Peter Tse argues that it is not the choice that is free, but the criteria for making that choice must be done freely. A person sets criteria freely to choose a possible action, and the brain makes the best choice. By this means, humans have free will.