Gas and oil industry in Kazakhstan
SWOT Analysis
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|Strengths: |Weaknesses |
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|Kazakhstan has the second largest oil reserves as well as the |Exporters of raw materials are more vulnerable owing to negative |
|second largest oil production among the former Soviet republics |influences of a changeable conjuncture of the world market |
|after Russia. The country also has large reserves of natural gas |Our industry are deprived the lion's share of the added cost which |
|and production of both oil and gas is steadily increasing. |is received by industrially developed states importing and |
|Kazakhstan has extremely favorable transit routes, so possesses |processing raw materials |
|good geographical position |Damage environment |
|The state gives proper attention on developments of oil sector, |Oil and gas should be extracted in district with sharply |
|which gives preferences |continental climate, with huge temperature differences, or in a |
|The aggravating situation in the oil countries of the Near East and|shallow gulf