Egypt’s doctors and medical advances could only be matched by those of the Grecians. Their doctors were considered as some of the best in the world. Albeit, most of their medicine was tied to magic, however, they made advances that are considered advanced for their time. One of their legacies, the Ebers Papyrus, is a 20-meter scroll, which is considered to be the oldest preserved medical document. Seven hundred remedies and magical formulas and scores of incantations can be found in this document. The Ebers Papyrus shows detailed erudition of anatomy and physiology, although it was pristinely tied to magic. The Edwin Smith Papyrus and the London Medical papyrus are additional documents that emanated from this time. As the Ebers Papyrus, they are tied to magic but exhibit an astronomical amount of medical proficiency (Medical News Today, 2016). The Egyptians were also adept at surgical procedures. They could stitch wounds, fine-tune broken bones, and make great bandages for wounds; however, no deep surgery was done because of a lack of anesthetics. The Ancient Egyptians likewise had a rudimental erudition of blood circulation. They knew that the body had a pulse which was in some way connected with the heart. Regrettably, they were oblivious to blood vessels, nerves, or tendons. Their doctors had a variety of some surgical implements such as forceps, spoons, saws, hooks, and …show more content…
Virtually everything they did was related to pleasing the gods; from the building of houses to the daily cleaning chores. Their religion was polytheistic. Their religion had over two hundred gods and goddesses which took on the appearance of a human body having an animal head. Furthermore, they had a deity for virtually any occasion and for designating essential things to their people (Ancient Egypt Online, 2017). The most consequential god was Amon Ra, who was regarded as the engenderer god and the ingenious power behind all existence. Hathor, the ‘lady’ goddess, victualed all life. Horus, the sun god, was considered the king of the gods. The Pharaoh was regarded as the human reincarnation of Horus (Ancient Egypt Online, 2017). He would do Horus’ will in the mortal world and express his views to the people. Isis, the mother goddess, was the mother of Horus. Ma’ at was the god of law and painting were put up in every courtroom (Ancient Egypt Online, 2017). Osiris was the brother of Horus and the god of the dead and resurrection. He was the king of the gods until Horus killed him and took his place (Ancient Egypt Online, 2017). Seth, the god of darkness, was regarded as malignant and the adversary of Horus, however, the Egyptians looked to him when they went to war for his vigor to subjugate their enemies. The Ancient Egyptians had less consequential gods for the river Nile, for wheat and barley, and other