The use of IVF and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is the process of identifying genetic defects within an embryo before implantation, PGD allows the embryos DNA to be studied for mutations and genetic diseases. Originally PGD was used on female embryos and was used to prevent pregnancy termination in pregnancies with high risks of a sex linked genetic disease.
The IVF procedure consists of ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, egg fertilization, embryo development, and embryo transfer. Ovarian stimulation is needed to produce multiple eggs, laboratory tests are conducted to monitor the eggs. …show more content…
The eggs are retrieved then are left for a few hours for final maturation to occur. For PGD an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) occurs where sperm is injected into a single egg. After ICSI, the eggs are examined for fertilization, which is seen as 2 pronuclei, representing the male and female DNA present in the embryo. Embryos continue to divide and approximately three days after egg retrieval, the embryos can be prepared for a biopsy to screen for genetic defects, mutations and sex of the embryo.
Biological Risks of PGD
Ovarian hyperstimulation affects women taking hormone medication to increase the production of eggs in the ovaries.
This hyperstimulation can occur in women using IVF and PGD. Excess hormone medication in the body can lead to ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS),where the ovaries become inflamed and swollen. Small numbers of women could develop severe OHSS, which can cause weight gain, lower abdominal pain, nausea and even death. About 1-2% of women experiencing ovarian stimulation develop severe ovarian hyperstimulation. Ovarian Hyperstimulation can cause a loss in pregnancy and increases the risk of miscarriages.
Social Risks
Some of the social risks linked to PGD are emotional strain and the cost of the PGD procedures. IVF/PGD is not a guaranteed way to conceive a child, eggs that are retrieved may all be unhealthy and not suitable for fertilization while the chance of getting pregnant with IVF is 37% and a 35.5% delivery rate. The excess hormones in the woman's body and the risks of IVF being unsuccessful may have a great strain on a women's mental health . Finding a unwanted genetic condition in the embryo can result in the tough decision of whether the parents will terminate the pregnancy which can be mentally tolling on the parents and physically tolling on the women.The cost is another factor that has a great effect on the parents as screening is expensive, one cycle of PGD costs around $12,000 NZD. This is a cost that many can not afford and could
cause great financial strain on the family.