First, we will start off with how Gibson presents the theme in The Miracle Worker. Gibson presents the them in The Miracle Worker by the dad would say that Helen is not capable of learning anything and that if she was taught some discipline then that was the only thing was capable of doing. Then later in the story we see that Helen has learned how to read and write. The father was always never thought that would ever happen. The prejudice of the father could ruin Helen's life because if Anne just agreed with the father that Hellen was not capable of learn to read and write, then Helen would …show more content…
Like they say don't judge a book by its cover. If we would judge books by it's cover than we would not like lots of books but if we read them then we would love them. Same as in our lives, if we judge people by how they look then we would not like lots of people but if we would know them a little closer then we would really like them. If we judge people by they look then we would have barely have any friends. If we want our live to be happy and joyful then we need to stop being prejudice.
In conclusion, As we can see prejudice is a very serious. The three reasons that were in this writing were how Gibson presents the theme in The Miracle Worker, what is the message Gibson is trying to present through this theme, and how prejudice can affect our lives. Although we didn't think prejudice could affect our lives but now we know prejudice is a serious