Teenagers are immature and innocent, they are curious about trying new things in their adolescences. Therefore, they can easily go astray if they lack correct guidance in this period. Premarital sex is a sensitive but attractive topic to teenagers, which requires correct guidance from their parents or schools. It is reported by Wang (2012) that an increasing number of teenagers have been engaging in premarital sex, which is regarded as an improper behavior by the older generations. Premarital sex among teenagers is mainly caused by curiosity, the media and the lack of sex education.
Teenagers often start having premarital sex out of curiosity. According to Joshi and Chauhan (2011), “Young people reported various reasons for engaging in sexual activity such as sexual arousal, want of experience, curiosity, fun, and love.” Teenagers are curious about everything in their adolescence. They are interested in trying new things such as premarital sex. Rani, Figueroa and Ainsle (2003) reports that it is curiosity or gaining experience that motivate teenagers to have premarital sex. Sex is believed to be about a characteristic of adolescence and early adulthood that they often have fantasies sex. Teenagers often imagine the scene about sex in which they will feel excited and pleased after they fall in love with others. That is the reason why they want to have premarital sex. Apart from this factor, another reason can result in this imagination.
Another reason is that teenagers having premarital sex are often influenced by the media. Werner-Wilson, Fitzharris and Morrissey (2004) indicate that the free information about sex provided on the internet cause negative effect on teenagers’ understanding of sex behavior. The media equipped with eroticism provides negative examples to teenagers, which is ought to be well controlled by the government. According to Clyde Haberman (1989) , “Pornography corrodes human
References: CLYDE HABERMAN, S. (1989, May 17). Vatican condemns kung fu films and sex on TV. New York Times, p. 3. Elliott, S. (2010). Talking to teens about sex: Mothers negotiate resistance, discomfort, and ambivalence. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 7(4), 310-322. Doi: 10.1007/s13178-010-0023-0 Escobar-Chaves, S., Tortolero, S. R., Markham, C. M., Low, B. J., Eitel, P., & Thickstun, P. (2005). Impact of the Media on Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. Pediatrics, 116303-326. Doi 10.1542 Joshi, B., & Chauhan, S. (2011). Determinants of youth sexual behavior: Program implications for India. Eastern Journal of Medicine, 16(2), 113-121. Rani, M., Figueroa, M., & Ainsle, R. (2003). The Psychosocial Context of Young Adult Sexual Behavior in Nicaragua: Looking Through the Gender Lens. International Family Planning Perspective, 29(4), 174-181. Wang, Q. Y., (2012, April 10). Premarital sex is common, survey finds. Chinadaily. Werner-Wilson, R., Fitzharris, J., & Morrissey, K. M. (2004). ADOLESCENT AND PARENT PERCEPTIONS OF MEDIA INFLUENCE ON ADOLESCENT SEXUALITY. Adolescence, 39(154), 303-313. Whitehead, B. (1994). The failure of sex education. The Atlantic Monthly (10727825), 274(4), 55-80.