Custorio, Servino T.
Barro, Vina Jane
CEIT-19-301E/WS 6:00pm-7:30pm
Ms. Leagieren Kates Aquino
Thesis Statement:
Topic Outline:
I. Background Of Study
A) History of Pre-marital Sex (Sexual history falsification)
B) Cultural Views and Religious Views
C) Science of Pre-Marital Sex
1. Psychological Perspective
2. Emotional Component
3. Physical Effects
4. Stronger Feelings of Puberty
4.1. Prohibition of Normal Childhood
4.2. Inadequate Sex Education
5. Human Sexuality
5.1. To Adolescence
5.2. To Manhood and Womanhood
II. Engaging To Pre-Marital Sex
A) Reasons for Engaging in Sex
1. Mass Communication
2. Peer Pressure
3. Problems at Home
B) Causes of Pre-Marital Sex
C) Effects of Pre-Marital Sex
1. Physical
2. Spiritual
3. Social
4. Emotional
5. Identity Crisis
6. Family
7. Studies
III. Dangers of Having Pre-Marital Sex
A) Early Pregnancy
B) Risks of HIV/AIDS and STI’s
IV. Preventing Pre-Marital Sex
A) Safe Practices
B) Sex Education
C) Benefits of Purity
D) Satisfaction and Waiting
Statement of the Problem:
1. What are the reasons of teenagers in engaging pre-marital sex?
2. What are the effects of Pre-Marital Sex in:
a) Physical
b) Spiritual
c) Social
d) Emotional
e) Identity Crisis
f) Family
g) Studies
3. What are the dangers of having Pre-Marital Sex?
4. How to prevent Pre-Marital Sex?
5. How can sex education help teenagers become aware of Pre-Marital Sex?
Presentation of Data:
Pre-marital sex is sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried. Historically considered taboo in many cultures and considered a sin in numerous religions, it has become