The religious state of mind at this time was very conservative in the sense that you were here to serve the church and to help others around you. Humbertus de Romanis, an ancient really sums up the churches general attitude quite concisely: " took only one to corrupt a marketplace, whereas every man harbored a devil in his own heart." (41) The church frowned upon economic activity and because of its position of power in the community, it was very difficult to commercially
The religious state of mind at this time was very conservative in the sense that you were here to serve the church and to help others around you. Humbertus de Romanis, an ancient really sums up the churches general attitude quite concisely: " took only one to corrupt a marketplace, whereas every man harbored a devil in his own heart." (41) The church frowned upon economic activity and because of its position of power in the community, it was very difficult to commercially